Train Embrace
Dream of the Week: Train Embrace
I’m in a plain, mostly empty room with a man who is talking to me. I can’t recall, but it seems as though he’s an older actor. Just a few feet away on a shelf that is eye height is a small old TV playing a video of several women in a room. This is very confusing to me, so I approach the screen slowly to check it out. The video cuts to different women of different proportions. The oddity is so high that I wonder if it’s a dream. I lift my hand up to the screen and push. My fingers instantly pass through, confirming I’m dreaming! ⚡️
I am so surprised and for a moment let my fingers linger in and out of the screen feeling the cold weight of material and the lightness of the air. I continue pushing through, climbing up and into the screen, expecting be in the same room as the women once on then other side. When I cross fully into the screen, I’m in in an empty bedroom. I look around for a moment and open the blue fabric window shades to see a city in the afternoon. I decide to fly out of the window but have trouble gaining momentum. I “swim” through the air to make progress and then turn upward to fly facing the sky above my back to the ground below.
I am enjoying this silly way of flying and remember I came in here with goal of talking to my “highest self” recall my goal, hover over the city upright again and shout, “Show me my highest self!” Nothing happens. I fly a little more and do the same, “Show me my highest self!” My heart doesn’t feel totally into it, but I also can’t understand why nothing happens. I recall similar instances where nothing happens in other dreams and become frustrated (in retrospect, I wonder if I am now expecting nothing to happen).
I fly forward some more and land on a train flying through the sky. I again ask to see my highest self and a young teenage girl with dark hair comes running toward me, waving her impossibly gigantic hands at me to catch my attention. She runs and runs as fast as she can at me until we reach each other. She says nothing and give me a massive hug, squeezing me as tight as can be. She breaks the embrace, as the train tumbles down into a vertical free-fall with the two of us falling down with it. I wake up.
Lucid Goal: Asking to encounter your “highest self” in a lucid dream can yield surprising results. Have you tried this? What happened?
Weekly Stats:
22 Total, 5 Lucid
- 💭 1,170 - Platform Party Protest
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- 💭 1,172 - Overprotective Merman
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- 💭 1,176 - Plague Tower
- 💭 1,177 - Traffic Jam
- ⚡️ 1,178 - Hazy Eyes
- 💭 1,179 - The Cave Diamonds
- 💭 1,180 - Neglected Dog
- 💭 1,181 - False Dream Fishing
- 💭 1,182 - Damon and Jake
- 💭 1,183 - Vacation Coverage
- 💭 1,184 - Get Away from the Stage Door
- ⚡️ 1,185 - Instagrammers for Christmas
- ⚡️ 1,186 - Train Embrace
- ⚡️ 1,187 - Last Night in London
- 💭 1,188 - Museum Ride Horror
- 💭 1,189 - Baby Elephant Car Chase
- ⚡️ 1,190 - HH
- 💭 1,191 - Highway Pileup Replay